A total eclipse and birthing of You.
Apr 08, 2024
Eclipsing the Old Energies...
I'm keeping it short and sweet friends! Eclipses = Rapid Change + Energy Shifts.
In other words, emotions, ruminating thoughts, endings and beginnings. Influxes of massive energy, and at other times sheer exhaustion. And that will have been both before, during and after the one minute event! Honestly, with all the conspiracy theories and wildly entertaining ideas and beliefs floating around the collective about this eclipse, I got a little tired of the hype and just asked the Divine what I needed to know, here's what came through:
Go to the beach, watch the show, breathe, ground your energy, tune out everything and focus deep within, let go completely, listen to what is eclipsing within you.
Observe those eclipsing within themselves. Just notice everything around you. Explore a new thought. Surrender to the changes within you and outside of you. Look with the new fresh eyes and renewed energy that is in the process of eclipsing the old lenses you once viewed from. Meditate and expand your awareness even further. It is just another day, and yet a day full of potent energy that all are asked to embrace, lean into, letting go and surrounding to receive within themselves. And then ground yourself, that peace, that light and the energy into the earth plane. Anchor there and embody this new state of being that has always existed within you, deep within.
Go sing, dance, laugh, ponder, listen, read, breathe, swim, write, run, rest, cry, express, forgive and release, call in and call back the light of you. This energy is aiding many to detach from the old fears and stories and states of being we needed to survive. And to let go, flowing with the new, the lightening of energy, donning the lens of Spirit, the new earth that is birthing from within each individual soul as we speak. Each soul a miracle in and of itself.
We have all received a leg up from the divine, our galactic families, our anscestors, our guides and Creator, through this eclipsing energy that pushes us to expand and grow, to relinquish the fear and the illusions, to explore more dimensions and facets of life and experiences and knowledge. With this help from the heart of the Divine and raising of frequencies, we ask you to expect what you did not expect before.
Expect LIGHT.
Expect LOVE.
Expect JOY.
Expect MORE of these.
Expect CHANGE.
For you will find there is always a body a water you've yet to cross, a tree you didn't know was growing that is calling you from afar. That something deep within the core of each and every one of you is being resurrected. Resurrecting the joy, the laughter, the wonder and curiosity. Resurrecting faith, light, strength, peace, dreams, creativity, and a love of living this life, that has been forgotten by so many.
So go now and smile, laugh, meditate, breathe, and do whatever you are drawn to do or not do. Be in each moment of these energies as if there were no other energy than that which presents itself. Be in it fully with us in Spirit. Expect miracles, for you are the miracle that births miracles. And so too are you the one to perceive the very miracle you requested. You are every piece and part of the miracle, from birth to death. Every prayer has been heard in this collective.
EXPECT MIRACLES, dear ones, for you've all been in the midst of them the entire time. A living miracle you are indeed.
So......thats what I did! I went and sat on the beach, laughed with friends and family, pondered on the miracles already in front of us and already on their way, in motion, in the energy. I laid on the sand, feeling the heart beat of the earth, feeling the energy of the ground, the waves and the wind, sensing the sun and the moon with every fibre of my being. And I smiled with deep contentment as I soaked in each moment.
And I realized that perhaps some of us are eclipsing the stress, anxiety worry and doubt we often have in life, in others, in outcomes and in ourselves. That we are eclipsing all those old states and ways of being and thinking and feeling - into a more ease and flow, with trust and faith in ourselves, in our journeys, in life itself.
After all, no matter what has happened in our lives, we are right here in this very moment, already having overcome so much, done so much, been so many things - yet here we are. That to me is proof enough, that we can walk in faith, in truth, in strength and in trust of ourselves, this life, our paths home.
I hope you all have a wonderful ending to this day breathing in the miracle that is you and soaking in that knowing and feeling.
I hope you wake up every morning remembering you are the gift, the miracle and that miracles await you to perceive them. May you begin anew tomorrow with this feeling, stepping lightly through your day, no matter where you feet may wander in this life.
Sending you all much love, light, peace, healing and a nudge to EXPECT MIRACLES!