Divine Guidance & Healing

Intuitive Guidance - Psychic Mediumship - Heart Channelling

Spiritual Quantum Clearings

The universe knows exactly where you're at and what you need!


So let's tap in to all of this guidance from our ancestors, spirit guides, animals, ascended masters, council of light and our passed on loved ones in Spirit!  All of our answers, clarity, healing, direction, understanding and connection reside in the masterful web of all creation, just waiting for the opportunity to share with us - to make our journey lighter and brighter for the mind, the heart and the soul.

We are meant to create, to love, to heal, to be abundant in all ways. But all too often, the experiences we have can create blockages, deep spiritual wounds and distortions that cloud the very thing we are here to do. This is where the divine comes in to HELP us!

My job is to listen deeply to your higher self and the divine realms to relay the messages, inspirations, confirmations, wisdom and directions that Spirit has just for you. When the divine steps in, the what, the where, the who and the why, and the keys to clarity, connection and healing come through.

Are you ready to get your keys and unlock your kingdom, connection, clarity, healing, abundance and purpose?  Let Spirit love you, nourish you, heal you, guide you and align your energy with your soul's deepest desires and miracles that are meant only for you! Schedule your meeting with Spirit and your destiny below!

Find the Session that Works for you 

Spiritual Guidance Sessions

Psychic Mediumship & Channelling Session

Are you feeling stuck - not sure which way to go? Do you need to cut through the fog of debris and emotion?

Do you wish you could hear from your loved ones, to know that they are okay, even that you'll be okay?Do you wish you could have said one last thing or have a question?

Perhaps you're at a crossroads and are looking for clarity and divine guidance from Spirit, your Guides, your higher self and the universe?

Guess what! They want to talk to you too! And have been trying to reach you in any way they can to help you find clarity, peace and the ability to move forward with trust.

In these sessions my entire toolbox of Spirit gets opened up, which means you'll get exactly what you need. Blending multidisciplinary intuitive abilities-you'll receive a mixture of psychic information, mediumship to relay messages of the dead, ancestral patterning, council of light, higher self channelling, your spirit guides and/or animals, angels, the Creator.

Whomever you need and has the most pertinent information for you is who and what comes through. These Spirit sessions are an interactive conversation between you, your loved ones/the universe and myself. Get comfort, peace, clarity, guidance, healing and connection, in these sessions - Spirit sees everything and always knows what you need, even if we don't see it.

Please note: These sessions are not intended to replace medical or psychological advise or therapy. All intuitive readings are done online via Zoom from the privacy of your own home and are recorded for you to go back and listen to at a later time.


Schedule Session

Quantum Spiritual Clearings

Purify your Mind, Body and Spirit.

Quantum Spiritual Clearings are a highly unique and effective in removing dark and heavy energies from the magnetic fields of ones aura and energetic bodies.  These sessions move deep into the core of the cellular body and spiritual bodies, Clearing through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body, that do not serve the highest good for your soul's journey and purpose in this lifetime, leaving you feeling clear, refreshed, replenished and spiritually activated.

Through a process guided by your Ascension team and myself, these sessions find, remove and clear any dark dense entities, aka cords, thought forms, psychic and emotional debris, ancestral patterning and energies cast from others, both consciously, subconsciously, through alternate dimensions and realms. This includes past life binds relevant to the current consciousness you are in through the time space continuum utilizing the quantum field.

These sessions are intended to clear, remove and protect from any energies affecting you negatively, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, including pain in the body. In addition, dormant spiritual gifts, tools and skills both from past life and the present, are both awakened and activated as a result of this spiritual clearing process.

These clearings are highly unique to each individual person, including the ascended masters, masters of light and guides that both attend and aid in this specialized quantum clearing process. All clearings are done in tandem with a full spiritual team of the highest commands, realms and guidance, for the highest good ONLY.

Please note: These sessions are not intended to replace medical or psychological advise or therapy. All sessions are via Zoom from the privacy of your own home and are recorded for you to go back and listen to at a later time.

Schedule Clearing

OWN Your Intuitive - OWN Your Life!

Open, Activate, Understand and Hone your Intuitive abilities!

Everyone is an intuitive, and connecting is NOT a gift of the few. It is a gift of the MANY! That includes YOU. Like any skill or ability, we need to understand it, practice and hone it, in order to strengthen it. OR maybe your gifts feels like burdens, and they are owning your life! Either way it's time to OWN your Intuitive so you can OWN your life! Check out all our Intuitive Courses and harness your power!

See ALL Courses

21 Day Spiritual Expansion

Everything is Energy. Expand and Empower your energetic fields in 21 days!

Find your energetic BLISS and PEACE in this 21 day Spiritual Expansion course and change your life! Create a strong foundation for your spiritual practice and tap into your divine connection and oneness, to powerfully transform blockages to your energy, opening and expanding you into a higher frequency, through meditation, breath work and divine guidance. Let's expand your spiritual energy and anchor it on the earth plane!

Learn More


Let Others Inspire You.

"Thank you Erin and Ava. This is one of my top experiences ever. A beautiful journey. You gave me a gift which keeps on giving. I'm s grateful."


Will J.

""Holy guacamole! That was quite a session. Spiritually I feel like I just had a loving sit down with an elder who eased all my frivolous fears and reminded me about the beautiful Truth. Physically I feel more vibrant, energetic, calm and content. And emotionally I feel grounded, no longer overwhelmed & like I've regained my big picture perspective."

Philipa S.

Hi! I'm Erin.

As a Spiritual healer and Intuitive Guide, I've spent a number of years diving into all things energy & Spirit since the death of my youngest daughter Ava, in 2010. Spirit has taken me to places I never imagined existed & experiencing things I never believed possible! Through teaching, writing, quantum healing, channelling, guiding through different spiritual realms and energies, I've been able to help souls from all walks of life and faith's, to transform different layers of their lives, struggles, sorrows, hearts, intuitive abilities and consciousness, so they could take the leap into the next level of their soul's journey. 

Whether you are just stepping into the wonder of Spirit, or are wide open & feel your gifts are a heavy burden, or dabbling in the Quantum Field - The Divine has shown me over and over the many paths of souls & how the shadow and light of our lives can culminate in transformation, joy, freedom, power and enlightenment for each and every one of us.

Every soul has a unique set of intuitive skills and blueprint for this life, and nothing excites me more than helping others uncover their own gifts & step into their power, freedom, magic and joy! 

Let's get you Connected!

The Retrieval - Bone Collector Wisdom Series

Oct 20, 2024

The Great Karmic Release

Oct 11, 2024

The Spirit of Wealth: Everything and Nothing 7/7

Jul 07, 2024

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