Divine Channels & Ascension

Rewriting the meaning of the Month of Love - According to Spirit

Feb 14, 2023

Dang....Even the sweet potatoe knows that it is love.  Even when I waited too long to cut it up and rotted - Even then, it decayed knowing it is still LOVE.

πŸ’ŒIm being nudged by Spirit to rewrite the meaning of the month of love according to the universe...according to Spirit... according to Ava...in its true colours, true form.In the month of LOVE let everything represent the infinite forms of love.Family, friends, partners, animals, the sunshine, our food, laughter, hugs, tea, good books, music, your neighbors, our teachers, babies, grandparents, your ex, the plants, your colleagues...

Most importantly- YOU. Yes, YOU. πŸ‘€ πŸ’–You are LOVE. πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œThe fact that you are embodied right now, means you are the epitome of divine LOVE.The fact that you just took a breath, a breath of life, a breath of the universe...that breath, that air, is LOVE that you just inhaled in its most infinite form.Even when your grumpy, angry, sad, and crying, or made a mistake, or missing loved ones - YOU are love in these moments.

And when your happy, laughing, playing, loving and kind - Indeed, YOU are love in these moments too.

And yes, even when your numb, or simply observing, or when you are exhausted, tired, spent, can't find the motivation to get up...you are STILL love in these moments.

The moment, the feeling or the thought doesnt determine what love is, it only labels what we think love is -  For you are Spirit's love eternally, infinitely, always, in  all ways.No matter which way your path has led you. YOU ARE LOVE. No matter what anything or anyone has told you. YOU ARE LOVE.Whether you are single or partnered, young or old, lonely or surrounded by those you love - You are never unloved.You are never alone - because you are the Great Spirit of infinite love embodied.YOU are the love trying to be celebrated.You are the reason LOVE exists.You are love.Celebrate YOU.Dote on you.And all the love you give to others...Please give that love to you.You are the love you are looking for. You are the love of your loved ones past and your loved ones future.And all things external can reflect these infinite forms of love back to you..."This is how we do it" 🎢 🎯 Because you are love in its infinite form. I love you, just because you are you.Spirit loves you because you ARE Spirit. "Just the way you are" 🎢 according to Bruno πŸ˜‰πŸ’–"I can buy myself flowers" 🎢 πŸ’says Miley."Girl put your records on play me your favourite song" 🎢 πŸ“»And "Dance like no one's watching" 🎢 πŸ’ƒYOU are the LOVE being celebrated today❀️  And every day πŸ’«πŸ’˜This is why I love, LOVE. Because it's everywhere and in everything.Because it's you and it's me, and it's her and it's him, and them - It's literally all around us. May you see and feel this today and every day.Happy LOVE day beautiful souls!


Much love,

Erin, Ava, the universe, your guides and angels and all of your loved ones in Spirit form.


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