The next wave of souls is ready…
Jan 16, 2023Powerful spiritual unions have commenced.
'We're having a party, everybody's singing'
The energy of the embodied higher self is uniting with others through energetic unions. Spiritual union often occurs prior to ascension and often before physical union. Those with dual missions will be provided additional energetic help and those to support you in the physical. Spiritual unions are the most powerful due to the energy channels it opens - These unions positively impact and ripples through the consciousness and energy of groups bringing tremendous transmuting power and bridging realms of the purest light. The next group of Spiritual unions have commenced. Again, 'We're having a party, everybody's singing"Much has come to pass in the ethers and the energy is aligned.As one moves through the metamorphosis of change, views fall away, and what was once a wound, is sealed with silver and gold - the scars now etched with wisdom, whispering stories of the divine, the fallen, the warrior, the surrender, the unraveling, the rise, the ascension.It is the silver lining of the scars that surfaces, the wounds healing from within.Where we go one, we go all and thine wisdom becomes mine through the surfacing of the silver scar for all to bear witness. And the wisdom that is mine becomes thine as the silvery etched scars surface with pearls of wisdom.
We are never given more than we can handle. It is us who chooses what we can handle. Further still, there are those assigned to aid when we need it most.We choose how much we will bear.We choose whose emotions and projections we want to suffer.We choose the weight and burdens we are willing to carry for others, therefore for ourselves.And through each of these choices, we find a breaking point, for some the choice is obvious, and for others the choice is forced upon them.Chaos is the divine reordering. It is the balancing.It is our consciousness rebirthing, ascending - a graduation to a new school of thought, which comes from a new energy, that changes the emotions, that feeds the cells to fire in the body, thus creating new experiences.
The earths energy centres and our own energy centres are aligning.I can hear Mother Earth groaning under the weight of the old consciousness. Pushing it off of her, breaking apart the changes forced upon her, casting aside that which is rooted in death, in greed, in shame, in hate. Those ideations must be destroyed as she prepares to deliver the new. The new is untouched by cruelty, free from the chains of the past, yet builds anew from the wisdom of it. It is unaffected by the interferences and the curses placed by judgement from the blackened hearts.No longer shall the lambs be sacrificed.She is birthing. Birthing you. Birthing a new landscape, and bringing forth (some may label as forcing) forgotten wisdom, divinity, truth and empowerment. Birth is not for the faint of heart, nor the indecisive or the fickle.And as she splits open, birthing this new horizon, mountains will crumble, lands will sink and the tides will rise and fall with ash upon it that lingers.Where human beings have forced her changes, so too, does she hold the universal power to alter the landscape, and does so when needed to realign her energy centre's- your energy centers.There nothing more powerful than her throes of change, her contractions and growing pains - the tidal waves of purging.There will be nothing and no one untouched. She is growing momentum.It cannot be stopped.The energy has changed, as it is changing with her, with you, all at once. A beautiful Chaos in the eyes of justice. Consciousness does not die.Indeed the landscape will be different. Come where you are called, there is much to prepare, much to do, much to learn, much to stand in awe of.These changes on the earth plane, the lands, the water, the air - They are succinct with the foundations and energy of the self, the soul star chakra, the seven energy centers, and the earth star chakra - they are becoming one, a steady stream of energetic power from the heavens above through the earthen below. You are the bridge between the heavens and the earth. Your vessel is the divine passageway and it is purging, opening and birthing. We will never be the same.As the people change, the earth changes - As the earth changes, the people change. As the earths foundations continue to quake and split and shift, know that it is the root foundations of our consciousness and way of being that is shifting, splitting, moving. We are one.And as the water builds tsunamis of energy, crashing into the land and it's people - know that this is the emotions of our collective consciousness unleashing all that has been silenced and dismissed, the waves of emotions sweeping away the debris and washing clean your vessel, her vessel, our vessel. We are one.Then there is the air...the earth's crust is deteriorating, breaking free in pieces floating into the atmosphere as we speak. And the cyclones, the tornadoes and the sheer force of her wind, clearing the debris os the old. She is blowing through the house of self, bringing down all that is built upon stilts and thoughts of others. This is the clearing of the storms of the mind, of the thoughts that originated, created and repeated, that built the foundation and the emotions that can no longer exist at the new vibrational frequency. We are one.And as the hot lava continues to spout and lands begin to sink and the winds whip wildly - know that you are always safe. A new Era has begun. The landscape must change for the new earth's frequency, as we shall as well. We are one.Chaos is the reordering, the rebalancing of thine self. The earth is consciousness that is simply a reflection of the pieces and parts and mirrors of our collective consciousness. Some beautiful, some ugly.It depends on the eyes that look upon the pieces, the heart that feels its essence and the thoughts that listen to what it was and dares to dream the creation of what it will become. She is you. You are her. We are one.As the earth plane is birthing and regenerating, do not be afraid. You are birthing and regenerating with her, by her, for her, because of her, because of you, because of me - You have nothing to fear.I dearly love this planet - if you dare to look past the busy mind, into the unknown, the words that are there but roll off of will see.You will see my wings wrap around her and my teardrop of the heavens light as it falls down upon the waterfall.You will see that tear of the divine, flow into its waters with crystalline energy, replenishing all that is dying.And watch as the koi are rejuvenated and abundant, the salmon no longer swimming up hill, and the pure life force energy that once more, flows through every droplet, every river, every sea, every root, every plant, every being, every animal, every bird and even carried on the wind - It is the whale that says it is so. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, mother of all creation.It is true - you are never given more than you can handle. You are only given what you are willing to handle. You are only given that which will sustain you, purge you, uplift you and provide the steps needed to build your bridge. You are given that which you intended to heal, to transcend - because you will. Look upon your circumstances, your knowings, your wounds, your paths, with fresh eyes now - See what are you building within you to bring into form outside of you. You are more powerful than you can fathom. And you always have help on your side. Breathe and ask.The collective conscious is shifting and the next wave of souls is ready for awakening, while another group is ready for ascension. There is also another group of beings ready to prepare to lead through divine intervention and blessings.You are never alone. We are indeed spiritually and energetically in this together.Massive upgrades have taken place. This will continue as the highest channels remain open and without interference.Each will find a period of integration and settling is required with the new frequencies, energy, knowing and manifestation speed and new cycles.It is time. Let there be light."Channel©️ Erin E Chandler