The REAL reason why most of our New Year Resolutions FAIL!
Jan 01, 2024New Years Resolutions - Failure VS. Success
I am not a fan of New Years Resolution - I associate the term “New Years Resolution” with failure. BUT not for the reason one would think. There is a reason why every year most people get on the bandwagon of a new year, new you. It’s because we WANT CHANGE. We want to achieve our goals, we want to manifest, we want to FEEL good inside of and outside of us. WE WANT CHANGE! And in that desire, that natural urge for change, we take actions aligned with that goal or resolution we’ve set.
But then a month or two passes and our motivation begins to wain, we stop taking the action, falling back into the previous habits we don’t see the outcome we want and then just like that, the goal or resolution is on the back burner and then we shame ourselves for failing, only to repeat the same thing the following year, or if your like me, ended up wanting nothing to do with New Years at all.
Do you see this cycle? And not to mention that in terms of natural cycles, the northern hemisphere is not in the energy of springing forth with new life on January 1st - it’s in the energy of hibernation and deep reflection mode and PLANNING!
I associate New Years with failure, NOT because I failed to fulfill my goals, but because I failed to have a PLAN in place in order for me to achieve the goal or resolution! And this is more common than one might think - Did you know that statistically speaking, 80% of people do not achieve their goals and resolutions? This is not because they can’t achieve them, but rather they don’t have in place, what they need to be ABLE to achieve them - Which is a plan AND a support for that plan - Here’s WHY:
- You will run out of motivation at some point - No one runs on 100% on motivation every day, all year long. We need a plan of who and what can support us when we don’t want to do it and are exhausted and lacking motivation.
- You need to surround yourself with growth minded people, energy and environments. When they say You are the five people you surround yourself with - This is extremely important to consider when you are reaching further and higher, and the there’s no one around you that wants to do that. You end up needing double the strength to combat your own doubts PLUS those that surround you. It resonance, and energy alignment - simple quantum physics.
- You are going to run into obstacles and challenges that will may make you fear, doubt and want to run away. This is inevitable when you are in the process of change. And yes -you will need support in those moments to face these things, whether it’s a wise ear, a positive motivator, or someone that want nothing more than for you to succeed. Everyone needs help in achieving their goals and support for the process of change. This alone puts ahead of what takes most people’s resolutions down.
- You need a plan - like an actual blueprint plan. If my goal is to become a millionaire, I have to have an actual plan to achieve it, with steps and processes, that give structure but also allow for a flow of divine inspiration and creativity.
- You are going to need a cheerleading team. We ALL need a cheerleading team. Especially when we are facing our biggest limitation in the process of change - which is ourselves! When that voice in the back of the mind, starts telling you that you can’t, you’re not good enough, why bother, no one cares....You will need a cheerleader on your side, that believes in YOU and believes in your dreams. This kind of support is priceless. For many, it is the difference between giving up and pushing through, failure versus success. It can make or break you in a moment of weakness if you don’t have a helping hand to remind you who you are and where your going and what you set out to achieve.
So please don’t shame yourself for not achieving your resolutions or goals in the past, You didn’t fail, the lack of a plan to support you is what caused the failure. And in truth, It is only a failure if you give up - When there’s a plan of some kind, it is Goodbye Failure - Hello Success!
Ava told me in earlier in 2023 that we were levelling up this coming year. She also told me there were some people who were going to level up with me and Spirit so that they could ride the wave too. And if thats YOU - Click on the link below to learn how you can LEVEL UP your life with Spirit in the 2024 Dragon Wisdom Container and make this year the one that your wishes, dreams and goals started becoming a reality!
Much love and brightest blessings to you and yours for 2024!
Erin & Ava