Cosmic Wisdom for the Journey




Timeline Shifting with Divine Grace

Nov 29, 2024


Hello beautiful souls - How are you ?!?!

December is almost here and multiple timeline shifts can bring so much confusion as we near the end of the year and are moving through the fourth dimension, sifting and sorting through old and new potential timelines, - for anyone going through these shifts this year, It's alot my friends!  It's actually why I took time off from sharing content, channels and divine messages for a little while (your messages have been piling up to share!)  I needed to prepare for the shifts and take the time to nurture and tend to my own inner being and growth. I highly recommend taking time for the self when in deep transformative phases or shifting timelines. And sidenote: Working with the Mahavidya's were such a great support and wisdom for shifting into higher frequencies and empowering inner growth and freedom. You can try one of the activations from the Goddess Course HERE. 

Back to the fourth dimension - It's only confusing if we don't understand it's purpose in the process of creating, preserving and dissolving realities! The fourth dimension is the shifting ground of transcending ways of being. It is the intense process of dismantling old narratives and discovering new realities that can be created from a new narrative. And they are happening at the same time! It is the place which we are transcending old I AM's and discovering new I AM's.  When we are shifting identities and getting to the core of one self and our soul's unique purpose, it can feel confusing, chaotic, messy, emotional, filled with earth shattering and life altering truths about one self and the world, in the best of ways and the worst ..... I'm sure if you've been shifting over the last year, you likely understand what I'm talking about. 

It can be a sticky place, that fourth building block, but it's transformative purpose and effect is an art to behold. Both a mess and a masterpiece. Both chaos and order. Both light and shadow. The destabilization of old states of being, permeates the physical and the mental planes as it breaks apart distortions and old identities. It amplifies the duality in our inner and outer world, so that we discover how to rise above, make peace with and come into unity. The 4th dimension is the bridge between the 3D version of you and the 5D version of you and the multiple layers of beliefs, identities and timelines of both 3D and 5D. If you want learn the dimensional process of creating realities and your 5D Blueprint you can check out The Dimensional Blueprint Course HERE.

Oddly enough, alot of people tend to get stuck in the fourth dimension, or try and go back, or spend so much time in this dimension that they get overwhelmed and have no idea what to do or where to go creating needless anxiety, worry and fear. So I'll just shine a guiding light into the 4D in case someone reading this is feeling lost, confused, unsure which way to go in this shift and to help you keep your sanity and reclaim your peace in the process of your process!

First. Don't try and build your foundation, your house on shifting ground - It will fall, crumble, be half built, be half of what you want or fail altogether, and create needless frustration. When your feet haven't quite found their footing, what you are to building can't find its footing either. This is usually an indicator you're trying to plant your feet where you think you should be, but the Divine is trying to shift you to a place where your feet will easily stand, the foundation is sound and there is solid ground to build on.

Second. What appealed to your 3D self, will not appeal to your 5D self - when who you are at a core level changes, what you do, what you think and what you want to create also changes. What appealed to the caterpillar, will not appeal to the butterfly. The caterpillars feet move forward on known ground, but wings can fly us to new ground with a whole new world of adventures all together. 

Third. You won't always be here.  The fourth dimension is a bridge, not a permanent place to take up residence. It's just a moment. A phase. A time. Think of how many times you have gotten back up. How many times you have overcome. How many times you've reclaimed your dignity, your power, your voice, your heart. How many times you've changed, others have changed. This too shall pass, and your load will be lightened as you shift through this dimension, as things are released and removed. The fifth dimension is where you find your new ground, stronger footing, lighter burdens and deep reverence for the trek you are making right now. And the fifth dimension is YOU in your authentic I AM presence, power and purpose.

Its a journey my friends, and I've discovered that the fourth dimension is my jam. I know this place well, I've traversed it many times and in many different ways throughout my experiences, creating many different pathways to traverse it. And while I can't know everything, thats also why I connect and draw on higher dimensional beings and guidance for myself and for others - Because theres nothing like feeling lost and stuck in shifts and confusion and suddenly having the Divine shine a big old spotlight into the darkness and say, 'Hey, This way. Look here. This is what you need. This is where you're going. This is what you don't need. This is your limit and here's how you break it. No your not alone  We've been with you the whole time. Here's a memory so you know it's true. oh and here's a moment coming up in your future so that when you get there, you'll know that we've got you, and that you can trust that you've got you too. oh and ps here's your souls mission and purpose in this moment'

Ahhhh....Divine Grace. Divine Peace. Divine Direction. Divine Spotlight. Divine Guidance. It is a powerful and beautiful thing to experience, isnt it !?! 

So my friends, if your feeling lost in the shift or confused, highly pressurized, or don't know which way to go or what the best path is for you, and you feel like you could use a divine spotlight to guide you or to keep you on track, or illuminate your new track, your in luck!!!  I've just opened up a new block of dates for intuitive guidance sessions along with a new bundle option of three sessions with special perks! 

See you in Session!

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