Divine Channels & Ascension

Winter Solstice is Different this Year - Energy Shift 2023

Dec 21, 2023

This Solstice is different. Something has changed.

It hasn't lost it's warmth, or magick, or intentions, if anything those things are amplified.

It's this deep knowing that the feeling is different - like there is this fire warmth cocooning and a blanket of Spirit providing security and shelter for rest and deep reflection with a laser focus like the eyes of the owl in the dark. 

In keeping with the seasons and cycles, every quarter has a particular nuance. Solstice for me, is always about deep reflection on what was illuminated in the previous seasons, coupled with contemplation of can be, what I want to be, and what the foundation needs to be for those possibilities to become a reality.

But this solstice, feels very very different. Like it's really subtle, but very loud, if that can be possible! This shift is one that has no name. It is internal, yet external. It is one's recognition that something inside them has changed, has expanded, has outgrown old things, allowing for reflection from a different place. It's as if what has been shed in the past year, allowed for the untethering of the self, finding a whole new shore of reflection, observation and contemplation.

Maybe you've noticed the subtle difference's internally too. Perhaps without a place of reference or a label, like you can't pinpoint it, but you feel it there inside you - something has shifted. Maybe it's more confidence, more fire, more focus or clarity. For some it's no longer caring what other's think, or do, or say. And there are some who've shifted so beautifully and fiercely into their personal power, a feat for courageous souls indeed.

Although this shift may appear subtle, and suddenly different in a way that can't be explained - DO NOT BE DECEIVED!  This kind of shift required alot of soul work. It required the shedding of many skins. It required valuing the self in a way that isn't common place. It required examination and exploration, destruction and creation, a rewrite of some of the strongest patterning within us.

This shift is freeing us internally, so that we can be free externally.  As within, so without.  Movement that is freeing us internally, so that we may move about externally in a more authentic way.  No longer saying YES when we knew we were a NO. Freeing our internal fears so that our YES can lead us happily to our dreams, so that we may boldly create in the world, without tethers.

Untethering. That is the word says Spirit. That is the shift we are feeling inside. The result of our desire and effort for freedom and happiness, we've been untethering ourselves from fear, distortions, wounds, stories, people, the past, the limits we placed upon ourselves and placed by others.  Limitations are perhaps the result of tethers. Tethers we've had to objects, to people, to jobs, to ways of thinking. 

To be tethered is to be limited to an area, a thought, a place. To be tied down is to limit the height one can soar, the dreams one can achieve. We've both tethered and been tethered for the illusion of safety. We tether for fear of loss, fear of falling, fear of getting it wrong, fear of being alone, fear of not having - All lack. All fear.

For if one is untethered, they become limitless. They roam freely to explore the unknown, to chart new course, to create from their soul without a limit that dims the soul's dreams or possibilities.

And I can't help but notice that perhaps the tether of safety may be the very reason we do not fly, we do not risk, we do not love unconditionally, we do not seek within where all our safety and freedom lives. And once we've done this work of untethering ourselves, there is this fire of energy, of wholeness, of raw and real movement. Perhaps it is the result of the tether being released, like we are pushed forward naturally in the moment it comes undone, because nothing is holding us back any longer. 

There is an emptiness and fullness all at the same time in this Winter Solstice energy. There is safety and complete freedom all at once. And the fire of it is so warm, so all encompassing, so intentional, that I cannot help but feel mesmerized by it. Like I want to bathe in it's warmth and reflect in it's lights and settle myself into the very depths of the energy. Where I can see from a much higher vantage point, into an even deeper pool of wisdom, as if there is no space between them, yet that are at the opposite ends. As if the opposition of empty and full, safety and freedom, high and low, just became one. No longer opposing each other. No longer tethered up or down, left or right. No longer seeing from a certain height or depth. This solstice feels like we can settle into what, where and how we want to - No longer settling for what was expected or requested.

Mmmm...the feeling of this Solstice is so delicious.

Spirit is pointing to the collective consciousness regarding this shift and the tethering, like they want to acknowledge the reason behind it, the effort, the result...

Although it has been bumpy with many curious roads both short and long - This shift is a direct result of all you who have worked so hard to untether yourself from the old soul contracts of patterning, limitations, karmic dynamics, low vibrational energies, distortions and the myriad conditions of the landscape of each our lives.

Because so many have untethered themselves through this last year, the shifts are palpable. As within, so without. What you do for you, you do for the Collective, for us all. Mass waves of souls have been untethering in 2023. The effect is a group untethering of a number of subsets of souls.

Never doubt that what you do internally doesn't affect the All. What you have done impacts the positive shift more than you know. More than you can see. As you benefit from your freedom, we all benefit as you ripple into the collective consciousness. As Rumi said, "Don't you know yet? It is your light that lights the world." 

Thank you to every soul that worked tirelessly, loved fiercely, forgave deeply, and grew boldly this year. Because of you, the best is yet to come, for everyone.

Happy Winter Solstice & Many Blessings!


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