Cosmic Wisdom for the Journey


The New Moon of Embodiment & how YOU can harness it's energy!


Eeekkk!!!! I HAVE to share this with you beautiful souls....


Have you ever tried all that manifesting stuff and it didn’t really work out? Maybe it came in and appeared to be it, but then it left or changed just as quickly? Or maybe it left you with nothing but disappointment so you ended up wishing but doubting at the same time? ME TOO! And its NOT your fault...we were missing some very important understandings about...

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February Ending with A deep spiritual Cleanse.

Friends....I have to share this with you....

Whether you know it or not, we are undergoing in the spiritual and energetic realms, a major overhaul, a deep purification, a heart and mind healing, a physical purging of old energies. I knew this was coming, and I knew it has been playing out spiritually for a number of weeks - What I didn’t realize on the 20th, was the magnitude of the intensity and impact this will have on the collective consciousness and what that brings for...

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Current Collective Rollercoaster Energies

Hello beautiful souls! 

This picture SAYS IT ALL!!!! I’m both laughing and nodding my head with a yes to both women’s reaction to experiencing the rollercoaster. In my last post at the beginning of the month I shared the following as a heads up for everyone - I wasn’t kidding about the advisory!

 “February is a month of rapid movement, shifts and changes, internally and externally giving us a storm warning advisory! ” 

This month of...

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Out with the old and in with the new!

 The month of February is bringing rapid movement, shifts and changes, internally and externally that is giving us a STORM WARNING advisory!  Storms aren't always bad, sometimes they are really really good. And this one feels like it brings really great things with it, because of it, and divinely designed for us!

 “If you want to start something new, you have to stop doing something old.” 

This quote by Peter Drucker hits the nail on the head for me...

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The Shadow Energy of Full Moons - Leo energy

Did you know that right now is the last bit of shadow energy of the full moon AND that it holds some of the most potent opportunity for life changing insights?

In truth, the full moon is simply a pinnacle point or the highest point of the tide. And the shadow energy leading up to this AND the tides moving out after this, hold the most information, insight and understanding. Think about the three days leading up to the moon - are they not usually bustling with things swelling under the...

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Welcome to the Age of Aquarius

The biggest transit of the year is you know what that means???

The sun has entered Aquarius and the feminine Pluto is on his arm. Aquarian being a masculine energy, arrives with both the feminine Pluto with placements conjuct with the sun AND trined with the moon - 

Now who said Pluto wasn’t a planet, again?  Is it just me or did Pluto get tossed out, much like the 13th zodiac sign Ophiucus? Interesting that both just happen to be HIGHLY transformative...

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