Divine Guidance for the Soul's Journey

Destroy the box that constrains you - Then create one that delights and expands you. Jul 06, 2023
"When you look way down deep inside, when you really unearth what is hiding in there, underneath it all, beyond the mind..what do you see?
Do you turn your cheek away from pain or suffering the lingers down deep?
Or do you dig and dig, no end in sight?
Maybe you shine a quick light and say nothing there.
Or perhaps you marvel at the cosmos that reveal themselves underneath it all.
Look deeper my child...
And you will see the earth plane has been filled with illusion...
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Working through the Solar & Lunar Eclipse Energies May 08, 2023
Aaahhh eclipse season....the first was a hybrid SOLAR, and the second, a LUNAR eclipse.  The intensity of this is off the charts -I'M SURE YOU FEEL IT!
Working with these energies and clearing the way to your peace and purpose is important - Here is WHY...
Kinda explains all the craziness doesn't it?  OR at least a little bit, enough to have some serious compassion for yourself right now....
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The water is singing to you...Hear her song Apr 17, 2023

There is a place deep within it’s own nothingness, that it becomes everything. 

The water is surrounding you, circling you, healing you, moving with gentle waves through the fields of your energy, your strands of light and grids of pain. Cleansing and purging the worms from your bely, the ashes from the depths of your heart. Lapping at the edge of land, as she rolls upon you, through you. The water tribes surround you. On bended knee they touch the water, staff in one hand,...

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Lyran Consciousness & Sirius & Energy Mapping Apr 16, 2023
***This channel regarding the Lion and Lyran energy, along with Sirius Star System Beings, is anchored by today's channel on YouTube, which is linked at the bottom of this channel.
***Please note, this was channelled back in 2022, preparing us energetically, lining up for this eclipse energy.
"Today's energy channel from Ava and my guides 💫💫💫
Lionsgate portal and energy mapping...
channelled Aug 7th 2022
"3rd  full supermoon in a row following very specific astrological signs,...
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Bloom darling. It is time... Apr 10, 2023
A message for you from my divine daughter, AVA.
The universe wants to see you bloom.
I want to see you bloom.
I want to hear you sing - sing like your voice will die if you do not.
I want you to ignite the fierceness in your eyes, seeing through the eyes of the divine.
I  want you to breathe in the universe, drawing in the breath of creation in its entirety.
I want you to exhale love, watching the force of it ripple out into the vastness of the ocean, vibrating every...
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The Fiery Balancing Moon - Grandmother moon and the Sun as ONE Apr 05, 2023

Someone said this full moon is about fire and cleaning house.

Someone else said this full moon is about balancing.

Grandmother moon is showing me the Moon and the Sun, as ONE right now.

I truly believe in allowing our own wisdom to come through us, to lead us, to help us. Particularly on full moons when we might be feeling ALL the feels, the ups and downs, and the heightened emotions it can bring sometimes - and this one is bringing balance back through its fiery intensity.


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