DivineĀ Guidance for the Soul's Journey

New Moons, Time, Dreams & Reality Jan 10, 2024

Time is running out.

Time is a funny thing isn't it? 

It can feel like it's going too fast when we are loving every minute. And it can feel excruciatingly slow at other times. Interesting how our feelings and perceptions shape our experience of 'time'.

They say that time heals all wounds - I’ve never found this to be true in my life. In fact time did not heal my wounds at all, the wounds permeated deeper with time, and the longer the years became, the more festered the wounds...

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Are you a visionary in HIDING? Jan 04, 2024

"All are capable of dreaming, but it is those who surrender to vision who are visionaries."

I love this quote from one of the Seasons of the Witch Oracle. It calls me so deeply into my visions and at the same time ignites my fire, my inner dragon - It makes the visionary part of my soul BUZZ!

The visionary energy is a strange and mysterious kind of path. It's bold and passionate and defies what exists in the present moment and what is currently considered to be possible. Look at all...

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The REAL reason why most of our New Year Resolutions FAIL! Jan 01, 2024

New Years Resolutions - Failure VS. Success

I am not a fan of New Years Resolution - I associate the term “New Years Resolution” with failure. BUT not for the reason one would think. There is a reason why every year most people get on the bandwagon of a new year, new you. It’s because we WANT CHANGE. We want to achieve our goals, we want to manifest, we want to FEEL good inside of and outside of us. WE WANT CHANGE! And in that desire, that natural urge for...

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8 Spiritual Practices that can radically change your life this year! Dec 30, 2023


If you have trouble committing to a spiritual practice, you are not alone!  Sometimes we need to re-evaluate what a spiritual practice actually means and what we are committing to. Here are eight spiritual practices and the meaning of it all so you can easily commit to you!

Aligning with our Spirit creates some of the most powerful energy and spiritual practices like meditating, yoga are a common theme in this day and age, but what if I told you that the method of the practice is...

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Winter Solstice is Different this Year - Energy Shift 2023 Dec 21, 2023

This Solstice is different. Something has changed.

It hasn't lost it's warmth, or magick, or intentions, if anything those things are amplified.

It's this deep knowing that the feeling is different - like there is this fire warmth cocooning and a blanket of Spirit providing security and shelter for rest and deep reflection with a laser focus like the eyes of the owl in the dark. 

In keeping with the seasons and cycles, every quarter has a particular nuance. Solstice for...

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Equinox + Harvest Super Moon = NEXT LEVEL TRANSFORMATION! Sep 25, 2023


This Equinox energy and the upcoming Harvest Supermoon is packed with so many deep revelations, with deep and profound impace for all of us - It's actually a little SCARY!

Let me explain.

It's just a season change, they say - BUT...I'm going to highlight the four markers of why it's soooo much more, so you can see exactly why this potent mix of cycles and season is deeply revealing and deeply healing - which equals deep RADICAL CHANGE in our lives and timelines - So yes -...

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