Cosmic Wisdom for the Journey


The Great Karmic Release

The Divine Mother has Stepped in...

You will know if she has called you.

To make room for what is to come.

To become spacious and empty.

To magnetize the energy.

To detach the old karmic wounds that have been taking up space in your present.

The Divine Mother creates and destroys for liberation and release.

It is the destruction of the thoughts that grooved patterns into the mind that hurt us, shame us and limit us.

It is the opening of that which closed our hearts and...

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The Spirit of Wealth: Everything and Nothing 7/7

Shifting timelines is not always an easy path. Each portal has a key that unlocks the doors. Just like the journey through darkness is not always a clear path. Or the right answer is not always the easy answer. There is one thing that has always gotten me through - I call it Spiritual wealth - a lifeline that lights up the dark, weeps with me as it shares its wisdom, shares solutions when all I saw was problems. It is the infinite wealth of the Spirit within. It is a connection that...

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The Cazimi Effect - Luckiest Day of 2024 is HERE!

Oooooeeeee !!!

Luck is on our side today - Did you you know today is astrologically the most wonderful, magickal, luckiest day of 2024?  Its a Jupiter Cazimi that is happening right now, what it has to do with luck, and here's how you can align with it and call in your luck and ground it into the earthly Taurus energy!

In terms of astrology, a Cazimi is an annual event when two planets or heavenly bodies, are conjuct the Sun - the heart of the sun, the heart...

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5th New Supermoon is the ground work seeds for manifesting your Spiritual Reality!

A part of your mainframe has been officially REWRITTEN! and the seeds you plant right now are very different because they are new timeline 5D Cosmic seeds! Today is the LAST of five super NEW MOONS in a row - this is significant because the ground your planting in is, is the cosmic manifesting of the Spiritual Realities! And all of our growing pains have been preparing you for THIS REBIRTH.

We've rapidly moved through FOUR dimensions of perspective, which brings us to...

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The Bones of wisdom

The bone collector is here to clean the bones of wisdom from the earthly debris.

When the wind is howling I feel it move through my body, running over my skin, rippling through my very being. 

I see her move through every molecule of this vessel I call home, casting out all that taints it. 

She sweeps away the dark, the heavy, the hurt and the pain as she howls through me, swirling like a hurricane. She takes no prisoners, leaves no part of me unturned, unfelt, unseen,...

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A total eclipse and birthing of You.

Eclipsing the Old Energies...

I'm keeping it short and sweet friends! Eclipses = Rapid Change + Energy Shifts.

In other words, emotions, ruminating thoughts, endings and beginnings. Influxes of massive energy, and at other times sheer exhaustion. And that will have been both before, during and after the one minute event! Honestly, with all the conspiracy theories and wildly entertaining ideas and beliefs floating around the collective about this eclipse, I got a little tired of the hype and...

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