Divine Guidance for the Soul's Journey

The water is singing to you...Hear her song Apr 17, 2023

There is a place deep within it’s own nothingness, that it becomes everything. 

The water is surrounding you, circling you, healing you, moving with gentle waves through the fields of your energy, your strands of light and grids of pain. Cleansing and purging the worms from your bely, the ashes from the depths of your heart. Lapping at the edge of land, as she rolls upon you, through you. The water tribes surround you. On bended knee they touch the water, staff in one hand,...

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Lyran Consciousness & Sirius & Energy Mapping Apr 16, 2023
***This channel regarding the Lion and Lyran energy, along with Sirius Star System Beings, is anchored by today's channel on YouTube, which is linked at the bottom of this channel.
***Please note, this was channelled back in 2022, preparing us energetically, lining up for this eclipse energy.
"Today's energy channel from Ava and my guides 💫💫💫
Lionsgate portal and energy mapping...
channelled Aug 7th 2022
"3rd  full supermoon in a row following very specific astrological signs,...
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