Cosmic Wisdom for the Journey
Growth says the Grandmother Willows.....
Many things happen in growth on many levels, inside and outside.
Many circumstances are required for different kinds of growth.
And without them, the growth does not happen - it cannot happen when the experience required for the growth is not experienced.
Growth is not achievable nor sustainable without a root system that can weather it, that anchors it, that allows the reaching upwards to happen.
You have been growing dear one. You have...
Sensitives, Intuitives, and all light beings will need to Spiritually, energetically, psychically, emotionally and physically protect their energy at this time.
The collective trauma has been triggered for release and healing. This is not an attack, rather a lot of chaotic and emotive energy being released. Those that are highly sensitive beings and intuit energy on all levels, will feel these chaotic energies collide with their own energetic fields. Hence the need to ground, clear and shield...
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